Home Tech UpdatesComputer How to remove a preinstalled app on Android without a computer

How to remove a preinstalled app on Android without a computer

by uox0z
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Android devices come preinstalled with a variety of apps, but sometimes these apps are not useful or take up valuable storage space. If you want to remove a preinstalled app from your Android device but don’t have access to a computer, there are still several methods you can try. In this article, we’ll walk you through how to remove a preinstalled app on Android without a computer.

How to Delete Pre-Installed Android Apps


I. Introduction A. Preinstalled apps on Android devices B. Why remove preinstalled apps II. Method 1: Using the App Drawer A. Step-by-step instructions B. Pros and Cons III. Method 2: Using Settings A. Step-by-step instructions B. Pros and Cons IV. Method 3: Using a Third-Party App A. Step-by-step instructions B. Pros and Cons V. Conclusion VI. FAQs

Method 1: Using the App Drawer

The easiest way to remove a preinstalled app on Android without a computer is to use the app drawer. This method works for most Android devices, regardless of the version of Android you are using.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Open the app drawer on your Android device. This is the screen that shows all of your installed apps.
  2. Find the preinstalled app you want to remove.
  3. Press and hold on the app until a menu appears.
  4. Select “Uninstall” from the menu.
  5. Follow the prompts to confirm that you want to uninstall the app.

Pros and Cons:


  • Simple and straightforward
  • Works on most Android devices


  • May not work for all preinstalled apps
  • Some preinstalled apps cannot be uninstalled using this method

Method 2: Using Settings

If the app you want to remove cannot be uninstalled using the app drawer, you can try using the settings menu.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Open the settings menu on your Android device.
  2. Select “Apps & notifications.”
  3. Find the preinstalled app you want to remove.
  4. Select the app.
  5. Select “Uninstall.”
  6. Follow the prompts to confirm that you want to uninstall the app.

Pros and Cons:


  • Works for most preinstalled apps
  • Allows you to see which apps can be uninstalled


  • May not work for some preinstalled apps
  • Can be more complicated than using the app drawer

Method 3: Using a Third-Party App

If the above methods do not work, or if you want more control over the apps on your Android device, you can try using a third-party app.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Download and install a third-party app like Titanium Backup or System App Remover.
  2. Open the app and grant it root access (if required).
  3. Find the preinstalled app you want to remove.
  4. Select the app.
  5. Select “Uninstall.”
  6. Follow the prompts to confirm that you want to uninstall the app.

Pros and Cons:


  • Works for most preinstalled apps
  • Gives you more control over the apps on your device


  • Requires you to download and install a third-party app
  • May require root access, which can be risky and void your warranty


Removing preinstalled apps from your Android device can free up valuable storage space and make your device more personalized. The methods outlined in this article should work for most preinstalled apps, but some may require more advanced methods. Always be careful when removing preinstalled apps, as some may be necessary for your device to function properly.

Some frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I remove all preinstalled apps on my Android device?

A: No, not all preinstalled apps can be removed. Some apps are essential to the functioning of the device or may be required by the manufacturer or carrier. However, you may be able to disable some apps to prevent them from running or taking up space on your device.

Q: Will removing a preinstalled app free up space on my Android device?

A: Yes, removing preinstalled apps can free up storage space on your device. However, the amount of space freed up will vary depending on the size of the app and how much data it contains.

Q: Can removing a preinstalled app cause problems with my Android device?

A: Removing or disabling some preinstalled apps may cause issues with your device or certain features. For example, if you remove a preinstalled app that is required for your device’s camera to function properly, the camera may not work correctly. Additionally, removing certain apps may void your device’s warranty.

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